Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
2233 Main Street Hartford, CT 06120
Rev. Sean M. Lewis, Pastor
"The Church on the Hill"

April 23, 2018
Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Receives a Vital Worship Grant from
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Hartford, CT , Rev. Kahlil G. James, Pastor has received a Vital Worship Grant from The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW) in Grand Rapids, MI.
The grant will fund a year-long project in which Allen Chapel AME Church to enrich worship by exploring ways that music, dance, and visual arts support both formative and expressive aspects of gathered worship. It is one of 44 Vital Worship Grants projects awarded for 2018-2019 as part of its Vital Worship Grants Program.
Each grant (ranging from $6,000 to $18,000) will fund a year-long project beginning in June that promotes vital worship and faith formation. John Witvliet, director of the CICW, believes that the 2018 projects will help the Worship Institute in its goals to enhance the scholarly study of Christian worship and the renewal of worshiping communities across North America and beyond.
“We learn a tremendous amount from these programs,” he said. “We look forward to sharing insights from these projects with a larger audience in our future programming over the next several years."
“The grants event is always an energizing time of conversation and sharing stories,” said Smith. “Every year, some attendees are inspired to write their own proposals for new grant projects. We look forward to receiving those applications for the next round of grants” (due January, 10, 2019).
Since it began in the year 2000, the Vital Worship Grants Program has now awarded 827 grants to churches, schools and organizations across North America for projects that generate thoughtfulness and energy for public worship and faith formation at the local, grass-roots level. An advisory board of pastors and teachers from a variety of backgrounds assists in the grant selections, and the program is generously supported by Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment Inc. Founded in 1937, the Endowment’s major areas of programming are religion, education, and community development.
For more information on the grants program, including a complete list of this year’s grants recipients, please see worship.calvin.edu/grants.
Allen Chapel AME Church holds Morning Worship Sunday at 11:00 AM, for additional service information visit our website www.allenchapelhartford.com.