Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
2233 Main Street Hartford, CT 06120
Rev. Sean M. Lewis, Pastor
"The Church on the Hill"
First Episcopal District
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Lenten Consecration 2015
Scriptural Foundations: Isaiah 58:1-8 and Matthew 17:14-21
Spiritual Consecration
A) Spend a minimum of 30 minutes of quiet time each day.
These moments should include journal writing, reading scriptures and recommended books (see below) and prayer.
B) Join us on Monday mornings at 6:00 AM for our Prayer Conference Call.
The call in number is: (712)775-7031Access code: 658487982
C) Read daily scriptures from prayer calendar.
D) Read a portion of one of the recommended books each day.
E) Fast every Tuesday. The fast consists of refraining from the eating of any solid foods either from Monday at 6 p.m. until Tuesday at 6 p.m. (24 hours) or Tuesday from 6 a.m. till Tuesday at 6 p.m. This is a liquid fast.
F) You must also avoid any form of caffeine and soft drinks.
Refrain from eating the following: Fried foods, Beef, Pork, and Desserts (including pastries and muffins)
G) Limit intake to one starch per meal.Decrease caffeine intake.
Physical Consecration
Engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day. Avoid sitting for more than 30 minutes at a time - get up and move.
Financial Consecration
A) Tithe to your church.
B) Put aside $1 a day during the Lenten Season and give to your church on Easter Sunday morning.
C) Use your credit cards only in the case of emergencies.
Suggested Readings
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, God Is on the Cross, Reflections on Lent and Easter, (Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY, 2012).
Cindy, Brunch, Jesus Final Week, 8 Studies for Individuals or groups, (IVP Press, Downers Grove, Ill. 2000).
Chittister, Joan, The Way of the Cross, The Path to New Life, (Orbis Press, Maryknoll, New York, 2013).
Hauerwas, Stanley, Meditations on the Seven Last Words, (Brazo Press, Grand Rapids)